Chocolate Rocky Road Christmas Tree Recipe

Ok, who's with me that rocky road is close to the perfect sweet treat? So what could be better, or easier than making your own Chocolate Rocky Road Christmas Tree as the perfect Christmas celebration closer?


This recipe is simply a matter of melt and mix so your rocky road will be finished in no time.

What you need: - A3 thick paper or cardboard wrapped in kitchen foil - approx. 300 grams of bought marshmallows - bag of mini marshmallows - approx. 500 grams of melting chocolate (I used milk) - approx 100 grams of melting white chocolate (for the snow effect).

Optional extras - about 1/2 cup (or really to your liking) of fine coconut - about 1/2 cup of cut glacier cherries or cranberries - nuts - berries for around the base of your tree

What to do:

1. Get everything ready before you melt the chocolate. I created the cone shape for the tree by covering my thicker paper (I used a piece of art paper from one of my children's drawing books) with foil. Make sure you tape across the join in what will be the inside of your cone, as well as securely taping the cone shape itself.

2. I found a vase to be a good option to hold my cone. Obviously you want to position your cone so your base is as straight as possible (ie. if you don't square up the base you will have a crooked tree).

3. Melt a small amount of chocolate (about 2/3 cup). Tip a small amount in to fill the tip of the cone (a centimetre or two) Making sure it is not so hot it melts your marshmallows add mini marshmallows to the chocolate in a bowl. How many marshmallows you ask? It is much easier to cut the made rocky road tree if you have a lot of marshmallows in it and less chocolate, so add enough marshmallows to coat them all, but so there isn't a pool of chocolate at the bottom. Pour this mixture into the cone and push it down with a spoon.

4. Repeat the same process but using the rest of your chocolate and the larger marshmallows, as well as the cherries, coconut, nuts, etc. if you wish to include these.

5. Pour this into the cone. At this stage make sure the cone is straight so you base doesn't set on an angle.

6. Leave it to set, and before taking off the foil place in the fridge for half an hour. Once set unwrap the foil. Melt your white chocolate and drip it over the top of your tree. I also used some clear sparkle sprinkles bought at Woolworths to add a little glisten.

7. Add berries to the base of your tree and you are done.

Now, here is a tip of what not to do (Ok, I may have found this out on my first attempt which I refused to photograph): - Because I only needed a small amount of white chocolate for the snow I tried to melt the chocolate mini buttons that are used in biscuits. They don't melt so well for this job so it was too thick and didn't drip onto the tree. rocky_road_instructions

I love this Chocolate Rocky Road Christmas Tree recipe. It's so easy to make and a great one to do with the kids. This year I've made it for our Christmas in July celebrations, but I admit this is the dessert my gorgeous sister-in-law, Lisa makes each year for our Christmas day celebrations. So thanks Lisa for the inspiration. Enjoy!Save

