2018 Christmas Shop

Well, I can't tell you how much fun and hard work it has been setting up our store for 2018. We decided early in the year it was time to move premises, so we can have all our staff in one location. Luckily we found a new store only 350 down the road. Not sure this short distance reduced the work required to move, but we are extremely happy with the results.

So what made us think we could turn this into a Christmas Shop?

What we were missing in our old premises was a front yard to decorate and use to create special events. We also felt the separate rooms of our old store was limited our ability to create our displays, and finally we wanted to create a look from front that represented who we are.

So, in May we started the move, and took the next 4 months to move and create our new Christmas display and new flagship store. Please enjoy a few photos of the store. If you have any questions or comments let us know. The store is located at 427 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Vic.
